Viliam Novák
“After my first athletics competition, I was completely amazed by the sports world, and it inspires me until now. My childhood was a starting point for me to understand that sport has a wider impact than solely the physical activities themselves.
Running in a group is much easier than running alone. I was attracted by long-distance runs and lucky enough to meet a group of runners, who used to train running at Železná studnička. With them, I was on a good sporting track, which I never left for the next years.
I have more foreign participation in marathons than in my own country. I ran 64 marathons abroad and 55 on home ground, while not precisely counting the other ultramarathon or half marathon events. My first marathon outside was in Budapest in 1988, the second one in Vienna in 1991 where we celebrated the change of the political regime by this sporting achievement. This was something unthinkable before and opened my desire for new international marathon challenges. That is how it all started. Slowly, almost invisibly.
Never thought of any special collection of marathon participation. I was just always enjoying what I was doing and in total, it led to that numbers. The time pass by very fast and I even did not realize that I am over 80. What I do not like at all is that some organisers point out on my age during competitions. I do not care too much about such attention. I am glad that I am healthy enough that even now I can devote time and energy to my family and hobbies. I hope that it will stay like this for some more years, and I will have plenty of opportunities to enrich my life with running experience.” Viliam Novák
This story is devoted to all inspirational and enthusiastic people who shape sports in the European Union and beyond. On behalf of all those people, we would like to endorse a popular Slovak scientist and enthusiastic runner Viliam Novák whose life approach brightens people up and gives them positive emotions. With his tenacity and strenuous approach, Viliam Novák keeps a very high moral profile in the sport world. He promoted sport virtues across sectors and influenced generations of people during his entire life. Even in the age of 80 years, he is still inspirational and successful in supporting intergenerational aspects of health enhancing physical activities in local communities.
We focused on capturing his engagement in health enhancing physical activities, but also added other interesting aspects from his professional career as a scientist. We offer his impact on social inclusion through sport and his influence on young generation as well. However, apart from the authentic personal dimension, there are also other perspectives we would like to endorse with his story.
The most significant perspective is linked to the European Union sport policies. His story offers a new dimension to the Council Conclusions on Sport Diplomacy prepared and adopted during the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2016. Lifelong approach of Viliam Novák well represents a notion of EU Sport Values Diplomacy, which was developed as a follow up of the Council Conclusions on Sports Diplomacy. In addition, it brings a great satisfaction for the whole Slovak Presidency team that prepared this political document. For better illustration of the recent activities done in the field, we are delighted to offer throughout the whole story relevant testimonials and references given on achievements of Viliam Novak by some Slovak personalities.
We are pleased to introduce a unique life approach of Viliam Novák through his professional and sports achievements, which are illustrated by vivid pictures. With a short interview from the forest during running training, we complemented his story and added a description of the community where Viliam Novák belongs. Finally, testimonials on his achievements alongside with references given on his work nicely wrap up his influence on local communities and worldwide impact.
“If I were asked to point out just one person who represents the best a notion of EU Sport Values Diplomacy, my very first choice would be definitely Viliam Novák. I would nominate him intuitively because of his kind approach, lifelong achievements, promotion of sport virtues across sectors and influence on generations of people. If thinking more and taking into account rational arguments, I would decide again for Viliam Novák. His life approach is simply a unique representation of the European Union sport policies since 2007 when the Lisbon Treaty entered into the force and sport became the formal policy of the European Union. He has a power to convey a message of the European Union values worldwide with such a simplicity and authenticity that only a few people can.” Elena Malíková
The overall concept underpinning the story is to promote successfully sport and physical activity across Europe. The main idea is to introduce inspirational personality to both Pan-European and national audience. We intend to recognise and celebrate outstanding initiatives and commitments of Viliam Novak at all levels, in particular local, to promote participation in sport and physical activity and encourage people to be active.
Through extraordinary personality of Viliam Novák, we would like to give visibility to projects and initiatives where he actively participated and that have successfully promoted sport and physical activity across Europe. We would like to highlight also his commitments, which contributed to the HealthyLifeStyle4All initiative and to the promotion of sustainable and green sport. His lifelong initiatives support and promote ties across generations through the practice of sport and physical activity. In light of this, we would like to contribute to give visibility and support the dissemination of innovative ideas, initiatives and best practices throughout Europe.
Our idea is to honour an individual achievement in motivating others to be active because Viliam Novak worked consistently to promote participation in sport and physical activity not only internationally, but also in his local community and environment.
We were absolutely privileged to have Vilko on board during our lives and would like to appreciate all his efforts with this story. It was designed with a purpose to highlight and successfully promote sport and physical activity in different environments. Through a great personality of Viliam Novák, we captured his commitments in various areas, from his professional occupation as a scientist, capturing his impact on schools, universities and educational establishments, enterprises, business administration, ICT sector, sport clubs, local communities, associations, etc.
With this story, we illustrated the way, how he participated in various international programmes and projects focused on different aspects of the sport, such as social inclusion through sport values, education in and through sport, the fight against discrimination in sport and promotion of intergenerational sport.
With an interview we provided data on ways, how to tackle some of the barriers that can prevent the target groups from being active, such as lack of time, lack of interest/motivation, disability/illness, costs. We paid attention also to influence of Viliam Novak on people with limited access to sport activities as well as his contribution to the fight against discrimination in sport and promotion of intergenerational sport.
We structured the story in several areas, through which we developed the above-mentioned intention. The story starts with a part on professional achievements of Viliam Novak, which is entitled WHO IS VILIAM NOVÁK? His sport successes are given under the heading VILIAM NOVÁK AND SPORTS and developed in the part called RUNNERS FROM ŽELEZNÁ STUDNIČKA.
His life approach is well illustrated by INTERVIEW FROM THE FOREST. The interview was done during running training and complemented his story with a short description of the local community where Viliam Novák belongs.
Finally, TESTIMONIALS on his achievements alongside with REFERENCES given on his work by some Slovak personalities nicely wrapped up this story. They reflect an authentic perception of the impact of Viliam Novak and the reasons why we decided for his selection.

Who is Elena Malíková?
Chair of the Working Party on Sport during the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2016 that was in charge of the preparation of the Council Conclusion on Sport Diplomacy. Current Chair of the Slovak Olympic Academy. Multiple World Cup finalist and national champion in modern pentathlon. Represented Czechoslovakia, later Slovakia at major sport events, including the World and European Championships. Passionate for foreign languages, sport diplomacy, marathons, writing and photography, with demonstrated long-term voluntary activities in sports and awarded by the Trophy of the International Olympic Committee "Sport and Literature".

Viliam Novák, born on 14 August 1942 in Považská Bystrica, Slovakia. Sport achievements: finisher of 119 marathons plus 7 ultramarathons. Personal best in marathon: 2:57:21 at IBUSZ Marathon Budapest in 1998. During 35 years of running, he covered over 73,413 km that is nearly twice around the Globe, in average 2100 km per year and 175 km per month. He participated in five out of six Marathon Majors - NYC Marathon 1997, Chicago La Salle Marathon 2001, Boston Marathon (five times), Real Berlin Marathon 1990, Flora London Marathon, 1999. The most iconic were Sydney Host City Marathon, Australia, 2000 and Athens Classic Marathon 2000. Regarding to Olympic track in Sydney Viliam Novák is the fastest Slovak on this Olympic track; being the first of three Slovaks runners with his time 3:28, while the Slovak Olympian Robert Štefko was DNF (did not finish) in the Olympic race. This was given as a joke by his son Broňo, who is also a runner, but it is true!
His 64 marathons were performed abroad, in comparison to the 56 finished in Slovakia; among the most impressive were US Marine Corps Marathon in Washington D.C. 2004, 2009, Paris Marathon 2002 and Košice Peace Marathon, which he likes the best of all and he ran it already eight times. Moreover, he considers Prague Int. Marathon as a great experience as well.
Viliam Novák finished first in the age group at Moscow Int. Marathon 2012 (M70), Regensburg Marathon 2015, Budapest Marathon 2015, Lublin Marathon 2013, Ljubljana Marathon 2012, Copenhagen Marathon 2019. Among the best results in marathons, he considers the first place in Moscow, and the third place in Boston marathon 2018 (M75); notably considering that the Boston marathon is the world oldest and most iconic one.
In addition, he achieved three times the first place in the age group (2015, 2018, 2019) at the oldest European road race in Bechovice - Prague, which is organised since 1897, similarly to Boston Marathon.
Another success is the title of World Vice-Champion in mountain running 2017 and World Champion in mountain running of teams with V. Bašista 2017.
In accordance with Viliam Novák, the most important in sport, and running particularly, is its relaxation and regeneration effect leading to good health and improved ability to do our duties. Camaraderie is another significant effect of running that counts the most.
Who is Viliam Novák?

Ing. Viliam Novák, DrSc.
Occupation: scientist and hydrologist at the Institute of Hydrology Slovak Academy of Sciences (IH SAS), Bratislava, Slovakia;
Born: Považská Bystrica, 08.14.1942; MS: RNDr. Katarína, PhD.;
Children: Ing. Alžbeta 1967, Ing.arch. Jaroslava 1969, Ing. Bronislav, PhD. 1985;
Education: 1964 Faculty of Civil Eng., Slovak Technical University Bratislava (STU), 1972 PhD studium, IH SAS, 1992 doctor of Sciences (DrSc) in hydrology, IH SAS;
Career: since 1964 Institute of Hydrology SAS Bratislava, scientist, principal scientific officer, member of Presidium of SAS (1998 - 2005), Extenal workplaces: Russia, UK, Germany, USA, Japan. Important achievements: Method of transport coefficients of water and energy in the water unsaturated porous media measurement and evaluation, method of evapotranspiration and its components calculation, infiltration of water into cracked soils – method of calculation, mathematical modeling of water and energy transport in the Soil – Plant – Atmosphere Continuum (SPAC), method of soil water regimen diagnosis in relation to the plant canopies water regimen and biomass production, the role of Earth surfaces properties in actual global changes and methods of their mitigation, external pedagogic activity at Faculty of Civil Eng, STU Bratislava;
Writings and creative works: 4 monographs, the most important among them are Evapotranspiration in the soil-plant- atmosphere system (Springer Science + Bussines Media, Doordrecht, 2012), Applied Soil Hydrology,(coauthor), Springer Nature Switzerland, AG (2019); author and coauthor more than 70 scientific papers, 2 patents, cca 900 citations. 1995 - 1998 responsible for the US – Slovak Project Modeling the transport of water and solutions in soils of Zitny Ostrov area, as a result of Gabcikovo waterwork, 2004 responsible for the Project The influence of the plant canopy structure changes on water regimen in High Tatras, after heavy ravage;
Awards: SAS Prize for science popularisation (1985, team member), Pioneer of International cooperation (1988), Honorary Silver Plaque SAS od Dyonyz Stur for achievements in Natural Sciences (1992), SAS Prize for results in research (1999, team member), Prize of academician Dub (2002), Golden medal SAS for merit in science (2012), Plaque of Merit at sixty jubilee of SAS (2013); Prize Fides et Ratio for merit in improving relationships between religion
and science (2017); SAS Prize for top level monography (2020).
Memberships: International Soc. Soil Sci., IAHR;
Achievements: pioneer in application of mathematical models as tools in diagnosis of soil – water regimen.
Hobby: sport (long distance running), aviation, Earth global changes, opera, ballet;
Reason of success: systematics and persistence.

Elena Malíková

Viliam Novák

How and when did you start with sport?
In Kremnica, where I lived as a child, everyone used to practice cross-country skiing. Naturally, it was also my case. Later on, during my high school age, our PE teacher motivated us to regular physical activities and compete locally. After my first athletics competition, where I finished on the second place on 1 km run, I was completely amazed by the sports world, and it inspires me until now.
What happened next? How was your sporting career unfolding?
Coming to Bratislava for my university’s studies, I had a little break in sport activities. Soon I was addressed by my fellow students, who were athletes from orienteering club in Pezinok to join them and that was it. Competing for sport club Lokomotíva Pezinok was amusing, we had a couple of advantages when being affiliated to this orienteering club under the railway’s auspices. For instance, we had a possibility to travel free of charge by trains that opened us plenty of new opportunities to widen our horizons. We could not afford such a lifestyle as students, and I was grateful for those years. It was a starting point for me to understand that sport has a wider impact than solely the physical activities themselves.
Did you succeed to practice sport when working?
This would have been possible but having my own family with two small daughters it was a bit tricky to continue seriously in my sports career. Everything changed when our children became a bit older, and I restarted with regular running in eighties. This time I was amazed by long-distance runs. Firstly, I went to observe a traditional Devin-Bratislava races and decided, considering my sporting shape, to try it myself for the first time in 1981. Since then, I used to run regularly this traditional 12 km race and some years later I was lucky enough to meet there a group of runners, who used to train running at Železná studnička. With them I was again on a good sporting track, which I never left for the next years.
What were your new challenges that time?
You know, running in a group is much easier then running alone. Thanks to this running group I ran soon my first marathon in Nové Mesto nad Váhom, which I succeeded to finish in a time around 3 hours 8 minutes. Not bad for a marathon beginner – I said to myself that time. It was in 1987 and my result gave me a taste for improvements in this distance. My next marathon was in Kysuce - not an easy one due to its hilly profile, but I succeeded it with more than 2 minutes better time than during my marathon debut. Those were my marathon beginnings, which comprise now 119 marathons and 7 ultramarathons.
That is an admirable number! What about half-marathons? How many of them did you run?
It was a lot, but frankly, I am not aware of the exact number of them. More I remember is the ambience which was always present in such events. Fantastic people, smiles and cheering is what I have associated with all the races I participated in. No matter if they were half marathons, marathons, ultramarathons or whatever else.
Impressive approach, indeed. Did you participate abroad as well? How did you succeed to collect such a huge number of marathons?
Sure, actually I have more foreign participation in marathons than in my own country. I ran 64 marathons abroad and 55 on home ground, while not precisely counting the other ultramarathon or half marathon events. My first marathon outside was in Budapest in 1988, the second one in Vienna in 1991 where we celebrated the change of the political regime by this sporting achievement. This was something unthinkable before and opened my desire for new international marathon challenges. That is how it all started. Slowly, almost invisibly. Never thought of any special collection of marathon participation. I was just always enjoying what I was doing and in total it led to that numbers.
Talking about sporting achievements, which were the most valuable for you?
Apart from my marathon times that were often deeply below 3 hours, I consider for the most valuable achievement a fact that sport completely changed my life. It brough a joy, new friendships, knowledge, and many other assets into my everyday routine. I would have never gained all that without sports participation. A good example is this interview and EU sport policies I became aware of thanks to this initiative.
What are your current challenges and next sporting plans?
Recently, I ran half marathon during the Bratislava marathon week and consider an iconic one in Rajec, a beautiful place in Slovakia. This is my supposed to be in August 2022. Later on, I would like definitely to participate in some other races, contemplating for instance half marathon in September 2022 in Copenhagen. There are several reasons for that, out of which one is my daughter who currently lives with her family in the capital of Denmark. Copenhagen alongside with Boston belong to my favourite places for running competitions.
Does your August run in Rajec mean that you want to celebrate your 80th birthday there?
Sincerely, not really! I am not so much interested in celebrations. The time passes by very fast and I even did not realize that I am almost 80. What I do not like at all is that some organisers point out on my age during competitions. I do not care too much about such attention. I am glad that I am healthy enough that even now I can devote time and energy to my family and hobbies. I hope that it will stay like this for some more years, and I will have plenty of opportunities to enrich my life with running experience.
Absolutely true! Let me wish you many outstanding sporting results and all the best with your new challenges. Many thanks for your time and interesting talking. It was an amazing experience interviewing you during an active running!

Impact of Viliam Novák is evident in many sectors. His ideas on importance of sport are well accepted by the academic field, where he professionally comes from. Thanks to his good example and sport benefits aware raising, countless number of the scientists all over the world followed his advice and included physical activities into their daily routines. His interventions involved both national and international scientific events and conferences abroad where he successfully motivated and persuaded his peers to join him in the morning running workouts. His slogan is to be active everywhere, workplace included.
“Systematic, strenuous, with analytic thinking – Viliam Novák is a great scientist and academic. I am pleased to get him known and grateful for an opportunity working professionally together. Moreover, we also shared for quite a time our common sport passion, which is running, and we still regularly meet on Sunday mornings in the forest for common health enhancing physical activities. It is such a privilege to have him on the board! He keeps a high moral profile in our sporting group.” Michal Guttmann
Another example of impact of Viliam Novak concerns school environment. Thanks to his sports achievements alongside with kind approach and enormous overall knowledge, he is often invited to high schools and universities to share his life attitude on sport values. He has a power to convey his ideas in a way that only few people have. This can be illustrated by his recent involvement in the activities of the Slovak Olympic Academy and Gymnázium Pierra de Coubertina in Piešťany, notably in the Erasmus+ project Coubertin Academy – Social Inclusion through Sport Values and Ivan Luknár Trophy, a sport-knowledge competition, where he dominated in his age category. He served as a good example of intergenerational dimension for high school students with whom he shared in inspiring ambience his approach to.
With his frequent attendance of local sport events, Viliam Novak has also influence on development of policies on the level of municipalities. He actively opens discussions with mayors or head principals of the cities, towns and villages about necessity of sport promotion in citizens’ lives, construction of sport premises, etc. With such interventions, he influences their view of sport and physical activities.
“I was very happy to see Viliam Novák on the starting list of our traditional running event in Levice in May 2023. I remembered him from my sports career many decades ago and was amazed that he has not changed at all. After so many years, I met again a charming, amusing and wise man. After finishing his running performance in Levice, he gave a great interview for the television about our sports competition, highlighting especially sports virtues. His modest approach made us speechless, and we were happy to award him with a trophy for the oldest athlete of the event. However, Vilko surprised us all also with his running result and finished on the podium with twenty years younger competitors. His amazing sports result in Levice was just like an icing on the cake!” Mária Kuriačková
Finally, the most appreciated impact of Viliam Novak on local level is on the sport community, where he spends the most time: it means sport competitions and trainings, in particular in Železná studnička, a beautiful forest park belonging to Bratislava, capital of Slovakia. Therefore, we decided to introduce this environment and influence of Viliam Novak in more details below.

Who is Michal Guttmann?
Significant national contributor, well-known European patent attorney, with thousands of inventions patented in the field of chemistry and pharmacy, who contributed enormously to the several international project outcomes under the leaderships of the Slovak Republic. Michal Guttmann is an enthusiastic runner, responsible for the work with senior categories within the sport club. Former high-level runner, he is an advisor on matters of active aging and inclusion of seniors into sport activities within the project EU Sport Values Diplomacy.

Who is Mária Kuriačková?
Leading Slovak triathlete, successful coach and sports manager. Capitalising on her outstanding sport and coaching achievements, she runs her own swimming school and is dedicated to the development of swimming literacy in children and youth. She is currently a member of the Levice City Council and has on her political agenda a development of sport in the city and region. She is the initiator and coordinator of a number of projects aimed at social inclusion through sport. She works closely with at-risk and vulnerable groups, including pensioners from the Levice Retirement Home.

Runners from Železná studnička, a recreational zone of Bratislava, a capital of the Slovak Republic, is an informal gathering of sport enthusiasts coming from different professional environments. It is unique in a Slovak runner’s community and their common regular sport workouts, mainly traditional Sunday morning runs, date back to 1985. Many of them are known within the international runner’s community thanks to their podium achievements in different age groups.
Typical feature of their running discussions is passion for multiculturalism, which brings alongside with topics of social inclusion, better understanding of different cultures and various EU sport policies. Their long-term common activities and friendships stems rather from sport values than competitive features.
Social inclusion, respect and mutual understanding are vital elements for intergenerational dimension within this running group and are main fields this story aims to address. Runners’ sporting backgrounds are not solely athletics, but include plenty of other sports, such as swimming, orienteering, triathlon, modern pentathlon, shooting, skiing, golf, fencing, horseback riding etc. Friendship and love for running is a common element that binds this heterogeneous group of people. It fully demonstrates a great power of sports and health enhancing physical activities in social inclusion.
Among all those people, it is notably worth mentioning a popular Slovak scientist Viliam Novák who keeps, with his tenacity and strenuous approach, very high sport moral in the group. Despite his age (born in 1942), he is still an active runner, with a rich worldwide marathon history. With more than 120 long run races, such as marathons and ultramarathon, including Boston, New York, London, Berlin, Beijing, or Paris marathon, he fully deserves a huge admiration for his sports achievements. His ambitions for 2022 included competing internationally in long-distance runs to celebrate his 80th birthday and he set similar goals for 2023 as well. Thanks to his personality, language skills, general overview and kind approach, the common running gatherings in Železná studnička became a multicultural melting pot, which was often attended by foreign runners and thus spreading this unique spirit abroad.
In order to convey a specific ambiance of this place to a wide audience on grassroots level, this story aims to address challenges, which are beyond great personalities coming from Železná studnička. Representing different professional environments, such as academic field, science, innovations, civil service, business and corporations, runners from Železná studnička have a huge international potential to widen a recent work of the European Union in sport sector beyond traditional sport channels.
“I am delighted to be part of the group “Runners from Železná studnička” where I met Viliam Novák. He is a wonderful person – kind, with a huge overall knowledge, pleasant to talk and despite his age, we can hardly keep his running pace during trainings or races. We all admire his life approach, vitally and optimisms. When waking up on Sunday, I am always sure that my day will be just beautiful after our common running workout in the forest. He makes our days brighter every Sunday, no matter how good or bad it might start. Simply privileged to know him.” Tomáš Poláček
Impact of Viliam Novak and his activities on participants who entered any of the project, where he was in charge of, is enormous. The same concerns communities where he acted in various capacities. He was well perceived from both a qualitative and a quantitative point of view and concerned benefits for the participants beyond the sport practice, such as job placement activities, language learning, empowerment, business administration, ICT sector, etc.
“It was very inspirational to learn that a popular Slovak scientist Viliam Novák actively promotes sport values throughout his entire life. In his eighties, being still an active runner, he absolutely belongs to the most influencing personalities in the world of sport. I still have in my mind engaging discussions with him on the potential of sports values in today's global world. I was impressed by his life approach on multiculturalism, which took us even beyond the borders of the European Union. With more than 120 marathons and ultramarathons, including Boston, New York, London, Berlin, or Paris marathon, he fully deserves a huge admiration for his sports achievements. An icing on the cake was his ambition to compete internationally in long-distance runs to celebrate his 80th birthday. That is just breath-taking and worth sharing!” Julián Vojtech
Apart from local and nationwide impact of Viliam Novak in many sectors, we would like to mention his international impact, which is enormous and creates synergies with local level impact. As an example, we can firstly give his active and regular participation in international marathons and ultra runs, where he actively promotes sport values and virtues within sports community.
In addition to that, we had a pleasure to see him in discussions with people from cultural environment, such as actors and musicians, but also high-level politicians, policy makers and prominent diplomats, including ambassadors. His excellent foreign language skills and unbeatable desire to promote sport virtues is evident even outside sports environment and might be considered as an evidence base for his eternal sport passion.
“When I met Viliam Novák for the first time, I was impressed by his vitality and optimisms. I admired his sports achievements and congratulated him to all his sports successes. However, after a couple of minutes I understood that apart from sports personality, I spoke to an extraordinary person, with interest in fine arts, a deep understanding of music and generous approach, eager to share all his knowledge with others. I am extremely honoured and delighted that our life paths crossed and had an opportunity to know him in person.” Jordana Palovičová
Regarding impact of Viliam Novak, one example wraps it all up – when visiting famous PARK FOTO photographic contest, he had an opportunity to discuss a topic of sport diplomacy with His Excellency Makoto Nakagawa, Ambassador of Japan in Slovakia. In discussions he naturally actively promoted sport values and virtues and in particular EU Sport Values Diplomacy. This showed not only his diplomatic dimension and feeling, but after this event, we understood that example of Viliam Novak fully demonstrates a power of sport diplomacy. It emphasised that sports people and sporting events even on a local level can significantly contribute to the development of sport diplomacy worldwide.
“Viliam Novák is the humblest athlete I have ever met. He is incredible in everything he does – professional achievements, family relations, hobbies... He is highly recognised scientist and academic, a beloved husband, father, grandfather, passionate runner, pleasant companion and a cool friend. His nature and character are overarching components, which make him so unique and extraordinary. Simply the best!” Eva Corticelli

Who is Tomáš Poláček?
Legal Counsel at HB Reavis, Legal Associate with a demonstrated history of working in the legal services for international clients. Skilled in M&A, Legal Advice, Legal Compliance, Corporate Law and Tax Law. Member of the Slovak Bar Association since 2018. Working with significant sport stakeholders, such as the Slovak Olympic Academy, Slovak Pierre de Coubertin Committee, and National Sport Centre, just to mention a few of them. Supported all the sports events organised in the framework of the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2016. Author of several publications and articles on values of sport, such as Coubertin Academy – Social Inclusion through Sport Values.

Who is Julián Vojtech?
Digitally and technically supported all the sports events organised in the framework of the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2016. Leading and directing many national initiatives in ICT and physical education, including curriculum and qualifications development, Olympic related matters and presenting internationally and nationally. Being responsible for policy development for ICT and physical education/sport, invited to numerous international conferences abroad. Currently a freelancer with a close affinity to sport, working with significant sport stakeholders, such as the Slovak Olympic Academy, Slovak Pierre de Coubertin Committee, National Sport Centre, just to mention a few of them.

Who is Jordana Palovičová?
Leading Slovak pianist, laureate of many national and international competitions. She has performed as a soloist with leading Slovak and foreign orchestras. In 2016, she was awarded the Ján Cikker Prize for active dissemination of the composer's works. Currently, she is an associate professor at the Department of Keyboard Instruments and Church Music of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. Collaboration and expert advice for the link between culture and sport in international projects supported by the European Union's Erasmus+ programme. Expert consultant in the development of several documents on sports diplomacy during the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2016.

Who is Eva Corticelli?
Board member of the Slovak Olympic Academy and Coordinator for communication, in charge of development, innovations and cooperation within this entity. Interpreter and moderator for sports and Olympics related events at the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic during a conference Education in and through Sport organized at the occasion of the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2016. Translating and interpreting materials and events related to Olympism and sport, including the 10th International Coubertin Youth Forum organised in Slovakia. Facilitating and supporting activities promoting sport, Olympic values, and education.
Viliam Novak is one of the faces of the SPORT VALUES CHANNEL created within the Erasmus+ project entitled EU Sport Values Diplomacy. He was a member of an international team, which prepared a follow up of the Council conclusions on sport diplomacy adopted during the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2016. This political document emphasised that sports people and sporting events can contribute significantly to the development of sport diplomacy and Viliam Novak is a good example of it.
The Council of the European Union acknowledged in the Council conclusions on sport diplomacy the values that sport can promote such as fair play, equality, respect for diversity, integrity, discipline, excellence, friendship, tolerance and mutual understanding which can bring different people and countries together. Follow up work of the international team with Viliam Novak on board was focused on research dealing with values considered as the most important for sports. The relevant target groups were asked to determine, which of the values / virtues are the most significant for the European Union. The following values were determined as the most relevant: joy found in effort, fair play, team spirit, friendship, discipline, dedication, ethics, integrity, equality, justice, fairness, autonomy, respect for diversity, tolerance and mutual understanding, joy in endeavour in physical activity, satisfaction derived from hard work, rationality and understanding, respect for persons, voluntary commitments, multiculturalism / international understanding, being the best that you can be / pursuit of excellence.
Consequently, the relevant target groups were asked to explain the reasons for such assumptions and give their own opinions in the field. The results were disseminated through different channels during the major sport events and Viliam Novak was selected among twelve ambassadors who promoted sport diplomacy through their testimonials. He was also honoured to offer his inspirational story highlighting social inclusion through sport within the SPORT VALUES CHANNEL.
Political background of the research recalled EU sport policies outlined by the EU Work Plan for sport 2021 - 2024, White Paper for Sport and Communication on Developing the European Dimension in Sport. The research highlighted a topic of sport diplomacy and social inclusion through sport values with strategic aim to promote a recent work of the EU in sport sector. We were delighted to capitalise on outcomes reached by Viliam Novak within this research and build on sport diplomacy, which uses the universality of sport as a way to transcend linguistic, sociocultural and religious differences. We used strong potential of his personality to promote multi-cultural dialogue and contribute to development and peace.