about the project
Political background of the project entitled EU Sport Values Diplomacy recalls EU sport policies outlined by the EU Work Plan for sport 2021 - 2024, White Paper for Sport and Communication on Developing the European Dimension in Sport. It focuses on the Erasmus+ priorities in the field of sport.
The project highlights a topic of social inclusion through sport values. Its strategic aim is to promote a recent work of the EU in sport sector. The main objective is to create an effective tool for raising awareness and dissemination of information in three interconnected areas: sport values, social inclusion and sport diplomacy. Novelties are project core elements, including an innovative platform SPORT VALUES CHANNEL www.sport-values-channel.eu aiming at worldwide audience. Project goals are divided into tangible and intangible ones. They contribute to reach the project main objective and strategic aim.
The project is digital, green, and innovative in sport sector. It places a strong focus on the green and digital transitions. The platform entitled SPORT VALUES CHANNEL underlines the project digital aspects.
Sustainability and green dimension are part of each project activity. Sustainability guarantees a pledge of stakeholders to keep project outcomes financed after its initial funding from the Erasmus+ programme.
behind the scenes

Yanka Dimitrova
Extensive experience and knowledge in event management and public relations, excellent communication skills. Extensive experience and knowledge in networking and collaborating with stakeholders and local authorities, including significant municipalities. Master degree in public relations and marketing from Varna Free University.

Kristiana Kazandzhieva
A social entrepreneur, a grant writer of European projects which support sports organizations through education. A passionate participant in the planning and organization of major sporting events, tournaments, trainings, and conferences. Excellent knowledge of the EU policy in different areas, such as regional development, territorial co-operation, cross-border cooperation, education and training, employment and labour market, social entrepreneurship, and dual careers for elite athletes.

Elena Malíková
Chair of the Slovak Olympic Academy. Multiple World Cup finalist and national champion in modern pentathlon. Represented Czechoslovakia, later Slovakia at major sport events, including the World and European Championships. Passionate for foreign languages, sports diplomacy, marathons, writing and photography, with demonstrated long-term voluntary activities in sports. Trophy of the International Olympic Committee “Sport and Literature” in 2001.